

Relational wellness

Almost all of us wish for more fulfilling relationships. But are we willing to do what it takes to change? With the wisdom earned in midlife, we can finally wake up to the realization that great relationships are not made by fixing other people- they are made by learning to know and love ourselves, and letting go of the need to control others. Perhaps the most important lesson that I learned from my research as well as from 20 years as a gynecologist and my own experience as a wife, mother, sister, coworker and friend is this:

You can’ t really connect with someone else as your true, authentic Self until you know who that is.

At last, in midlife, we have a moment to focus on ourselves after years of serving the agendas of others. Only when we truly know ourselves are we able to be fully present to connect with others. Improving our ability to connect deeply and honestly with others through compassionate self-awareness is one of the most important “secrets” to lifelong happiness. By deeply understanding that we can’t “fix” anyone else, and that healthy and fulfilling relationships start with you, we become empowered and responsible instead of feeling like a victim. We put ourselves in prisons but forget that we hold the key.

If you are ready to have deeper, more fulfilling relationships, including a more satisfying, primary, intimate, and sexual relationship, let’s connect!

The Book

Sexually woke

Why do some women over 40, or over 60, have the joyful sexual energy of a 20-year-old, while most of us feel our libido slipping away? Our culture tells that women over 50 are not sexy, not relevant, and are on a sexual downhill march to the grave. My own experience as a menopausal woman combined with extensive research blows the lid off this harmful cultural myth. Let me introduce you to the “Sexually Woke”- women in midlife who are having the best sex of their lives- and teach you how to wake up to the time of your life as well.

Talk of the week

Texas – Let’s Mind Our Own Business

The crux of the matter seems to be disagreement about when a human has rights, and when it doesn’t. If my right to do what I want is limited to not preventing you from doing what you want, then of course I can’t kill you. But the debate about when a fetus becomes a human with the same rights as a human living outside the womb will likely never end.



Talks to awaken your sexy-self and challenge the status quo.

What is Codependence, and Do I Have It?

March 24, 2020

Women’s circle

Spiritual wellness

My wish for you is that you will put yourself first, without guilt, and recognize that women are leaders in our families and our culture, and we deserve to be honored. YOU deserve to be honored. If you pushed a baby out of your vagina, had one cut out of your abdomen, or even just had periods every month for years to carry our species forward, kudos to you.



First Session

Our initial “Get To Know You” first session is generally 90 minutes and involves delving into where you are now and where you want to be.

Single Coaching Session

This is for scheduling a single coaching session.

10-Session Bundle

Purchase 10 coaching sessions in advance to take advantage of a 20% discount. This bundle includes 1 “Get To Know You” First Session and 9 Single Sessions with Dr. Susan.